Gender Stereotype

Gender Stereotype

Saturday, January 3, 2015

The students of Ambience Public School express their opinion on Gender Stereotypes prevalent in the society and need for the Sensitization on the issue.

1 comment:

  1. I think that gender stereotypes unfortunately have been an integral part of our we can see that gendered assumptions and gender based social discriminations exist throughout the is the root cause for violence against women and suppressing them in the society.....but in general I think both the genders suffer due to these stereotypes...the worst part is it hampers one,s creativity, instills fear of the society and reduces the confidence of the person to live his or her life the way they want there is an absolute need for gender is about changing our behaviour and instilling emphaty into the views that we hold about our own and the other gender....the best way to eradicate the problem is changing our mindset as the gender stereotypes have been the problem of the society but also created by the society...I think its never too late to change for the better and change has to begin now...I am very glad to see that our school has taken such an important issue ...from which the society generally runs away.....I am very proud to be part of this initiative.... The students in the video are expressing the problems as well as the solution to those problems very efficiently...Great work done by the faculty and the students. Proud to be a part of it.
